054a型导弹护卫舰 from zh.wikipedia.org

Type 054A frigate

Class of ship
The Type 054A is a class of guided-missile frigate from the People's Republic of China. It is a development of the Type 054 frigate; compared to its predecessor, the Type 054A has medium-range air defense capability in the form of Type 382 radar... Wikipedia
Active: 30
Aircraft carried: 1 Kamov Ka-28 'Helix' or Harbin Z-9C
Built: 2005–present
Cost: US$348 million (est. 2015)
Displacement: 3,963 tonnes (full)
Electronic warfare & decoys: Type 922-1 radar warning receiver; HZ-100 ECM & ELINT system; Kashtan-3 missile jamming system
In commission: 2008–present

054a型导弹护卫舰 from baike.baidu.com
054A型护卫舰(英文:Type 054A Frigates,北约代号:Jiangkai II Class Frigates,中文:江凯Ⅱ级护卫舰)是中国人民解放军海军最新型的护卫舰。
054a型导弹护卫舰 from military.china.com.cn
054型护卫舰 · 054型护卫舰是中国第一型真正形成量产的隐身护卫舰,又称“江凯”级护卫舰。该舰拥有较强的防空及反舰能力。舷号525的首舰于1999年12月在上海沪东厂 ...
Jan 20, 2014 · 054A型护卫舰在中部烟囱两侧布置了两座H/PJ-12型7管30毫米舰炮,它可以拦截舰首外所有方向的来袭反舰导弹。730舰炮属于H/PJ12近程反导武器系统,以全自动 ...
054a型导弹护卫舰 from trumpeter-china.com
054a型导弹护卫舰 from weibo.com
之前已经说过,054型导弹护卫舰本身只是一个过渡产品,是因为一些子系统尚未来得及完善,于是用全新的舰体平台和之前已经能用的子系统揉合在一起的“临时”产物。那么当新的 ...